Bus Phong Nha to Hue is the easiest and cheapest way to transfer from Phong Nha to Hue city. It is a relatively convenient route with buses provided by many companies in Phong Nha town. Hue is located just a few hours of drive from Phong Nha – the adventure capital of Asia. Phong Nha to Hue by bus has 3 options that you can choose from below:
- We recommend the Hung Thanh Bus Company if you are going from Bus Phong Nha to Hue. The departure time is between 4:00 – 4:30 AM from Thanh Phat Hotel and arrives in Hue City between 8:00 – 9:00 AM.
- Additionally, you can also choose the Tan Nhat Bus, departing from the Phong Nha town center between 3:00 – 4:00 PM and arriving in Hue at 8:00 PM. However, the schedule is not always consistent.
- Lastly, your third option is the DMZ Bus, which can stop at the Vinh Moc Tunnels and Ben Hai River. This bus departs at 6:00 AM from Phong Nha.
Departure time | 4:00 AM | 7:00 AM | 8:00 AM | 12:00 PM | 3:00 PM | 7:00 PM |
Price | 250,000 VND/pax | |||||
Pick up | Bus office | |||||
Drop off | No.7, Doi Cung street | Hue train station | Hotel in Hue (for 16 seaters bus) | Hue train station | Hotel in Hue (for 16 seaters bus) | Hue train station |
Note: DMZ bus will stop at the Vinh Moc Tunnels and Ben Hai River. The price includes transportation fees, entrance fees, and a local guide.
If you want to travel from Phong Nha to Hue with a private space and can depart at any time, booking our Phong Nha private car is the best choice for you. Your trip will be more exciting with English-speaking driver team of Phong Nha Private Car.
- Phong Nha To Hue Private Car – 95 USD/Sedan car.
- Phong Nha To Hue By Limousine – 152 USD/Limousine.